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Contacts converter makes it easy to convert your contacts from one messaging service to another

Contacts converter makes it easy to convert your contacts from one messaging service to another

Vote: (1 votes)

Program license: Free

Developer: Microlab Software

Version: 1

Works under: Windows


Program license

(1 votes)




Microlab Software


Works under:



  • Converts SIM card contacts into a readable format (CSV)
  • Program is lightweight and doesn't use many resources
  • Program runs smoothly and performs its task quickly


  • Today's phones allow contact syncing in the cloud, making the program useless
  • Not everyone wants to take their contact information off a given smartphone
  • Program uses an outdated user interface that's an absolute eyesore

Contacts Converter allows smartphone owners to save contact information from SIM cards. Typically, SIM cards use a special file format to store such information. Users cannot take this information off the card and open the files on a computer. Converting the files before transfer is necessary to view contact information. A variety of programs are available to handle the conversion today. However, Contacts Converter is perhaps the most simple solution available on the market, and it doesn't cost a penny to use.

How To Get Started Using Contacts Converter

To get started, a smartphone owner will save their contacts list to their desktop computer. They can either transfer the formatted data to a computer, or they can use a storage device to transfer the data. They'll then load this data into Contacts Converter, which converts the data into a CSV file. Luckily, most document or spreadsheet programs can read CSV file formats with ease. CSV files will output legible data, while standard SIM card files won't even open in these programs in the first place.

Contacts Converter is a useful program, but is it necessary for most people? That answer will vary from person to person. The program performs a useful service, but modern smartphones often allow users to sync their contacts via the cloud. Doing so means that contact information is available at all times. In fact, users won't even have to worry about weird file formats because the CSV format is the most common choice here. Contacts Converter would be invaluable 10 years ago, but it's not too vital for users today.


  • Converts SIM card contacts into a readable format (CSV)
  • Program is lightweight and doesn't use many resources
  • Program runs smoothly and performs its task quickly


  • Today's phones allow contact syncing in the cloud, making the program useless
  • Not everyone wants to take their contact information off a given smartphone
  • Program uses an outdated user interface that's an absolute eyesore